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Harry Potter and the Chamber of Secrets - listen book free online
Author: Joanne Rowling
Reader: Stephen Fry
Harry Potter and the Chamber of Secrets is the second book about Harry Potter, the boy who lived and his adventures in the magical world. All summer long, Harry Potter dreamed about coming back to Hogwarts, magical school that became his true home. However, a series of mysterious events makes this come back not that easy and happy, as he planned. First days at school are also not a piece a cake: t... Read More
The Return of the King Aragorn - listen book free online
Categories: Fantasy
Reader: Robert Inglis

John Ronald Reuel Tolkien is considered one of the most famous English writers of the middle of XX century and critics often call him the father of fantasy. He was a professor of English language and literature in Oxford and that affected immensely the high style and sophistication of his famous novels. J.R.R. Tolkien elaborated on every detail of his imaginary world. The geography of Arda and... Read More