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Story of the Young Man with the Cream Tarts - listen book free online

Robert Louis Balfour Stevenson was born in Edinburgh on the 13 November 1850. His father and grandfather were both successful engineers who built many of the lighthouses that dotted the Scottish coast, whilst his mother came from a family of lawyers and church ministers. A sickly boy whose mother was also often unwell, Stevenson spent much of his childhood with the family nurse, Alison Cunningh... Read More

Story of the Physician and the Saratoga Trunk - listen book free online

Robert Louis Stevenson is one of Edinburgh’s great writers, with novels including Treasure Island, Kidnapped, and The Strange Case of Dr Jekyll and Mr Hyde. As well as a novelist, Stevenson was a travel writer and essayist and moved around the world extensively. He is now evaluated as a peer of authors such as Joseph Conrad and Henry James, with new scholarly studies and organisations devoted t... Read More

The Adventure of the Hansom Cabs - listen book free online

Robert Louis Stevenson was a Scottish novelist and travel writer, most noted for Treasure Island, Kidnapped, Strange Case of Dr Jekyll and Mr Hyde, and A Child's Garden of Verses. Born in 1850, Robert Louis Stevenson grew up in Edinburgh where his father was a well-respected lighthouse engineer. Stevenson almost followed his father’s example, studying engineering at Edinburgh University, but at... Read More