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Audiobooks by John Galsworthy listen online

The Apple Tree - listen book free online

In The Apple Tree, the story opens on a splendid spring day, the twenty-fifth anniversary of Frank and Stella Ashurst, who in honour of the occasion have driven out into the Devon countryside not far from where they first met. They stop by a grave at a crossroad on the moor. Stella brings out her colours to paint, but a vague discontent rises in Frank, who regrets his inability to seize and hol... Read More

The Forsyte Saga - listen book free online

John Galsworthy, one of the greatest British writers, was a representative of the literary tradition, which has regarded the novel as a lawful instrument of social propaganda. The Forsyte Saga is a history of three generations of the Forsyte family from the eighties of the 19th century up to the twenties of the 20th century. The Man of Property shows two successive generations of a rich upper-m... Read More