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Audiobooks by Rafael Sabatini listen online

Scaramouche - listen book free online

Rafael Sabatini was an Italian-English writer of romance and adventure novels. After a brief stint in the business world, Sabatini went to work as a writer. He wrote short stories in the 1890s, and his first novel came out in 1902. His most famous works have been translated into the classic swashbuckling films Captain Blood and Scaramouche. However, these books represent a small fraction of Sab... Read More

Captain Blood - listen book free online

When talking about Rafael Sabatini, most people think of high adventure, sword-fighting and damsels in distress. Sabatini's writing, usually functioning in a historic setting, explores political intrigue, religion, and the place of chivalry and honour, while entertaining with clever dialogue, deftly drawn characters and action sequences as vivid and thrilling as modern movies. In all, he produc... Read More