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Lenore is a poem by the American author Edgar Allan Poe. Poe was born in Boston, the second child of actors David and Elizabeth "Eliza" Arnold Hopkins Poe. His father abandoned the family in 1810, and his mother died the following year. Thus orphaned, the child was taken in by John and Frances Allan of Richmond, Virginia. They never formally adopted him, but he was with them well into young adulthood. Tension developed later as John Allan and Poe repeatedly clashed over debts, including those incurred by gambling, and the cost of Poe's secondary education. He attended the University of Virginia but left after a year due to lack of money. Poe quarrelled with Allan over the funds for his education and enlisted in the Army in 1827 under an assumed name. It was at this time that his publishing career began with the anonymous collection Tamerlane and Other Poems, credited only to "a Bostonian". Poe and Allan reached a temporary rapprochement after the death of Frances Allan in 1829. Poe later failed as an officer cadet at West Point, declaring a firm wish to be a poet and writer, and he ultimately parted ways with John Allan. Lenore began as a different poem, "A Paean", and was not published as "Lenore" until 1843. The poem begins with the mourner asking Guy De Vere, the intended husband of the dead Lenore, why he isn’t weeping. This person does not understand, asking if De Vere has seen Lenore’s dead body and really understood she is not coming back. Enjoy free online English audiobook “Lenore”, breathtaking stories by Edgar Allan Poe.

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