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The 7 Habits of Highly Effective People

Steven Covey wrote his famous 'The 7 Habits of Highly Effective People' in 1989, and it soon became a world bestseller number one. Today more than 20 million copies are sold, the book is translated into 38 languages and it is acknowledged to be the most influential business books. Many successful people agree, that'The 7 Habits' is a must-read. Steven R. Covey had worked for a long time on the book before it was published. He had analyzed stories of success of people from different areas. After careful systematization, he had deduced habits and principles of highly effective people. These habits are not about business only, they are applicable in every sphere of life. One of the main ideas of the book is that a person has a freedom of choice, no matter how hard his or her life situation is. Being positive and proactive is, in fact, the solution that Covy presents. The audiobook '7 Habits of Highly Effective people' can help you to develop new skills and attitude, that will lead to a success in life. And what can be more effective than to listen to it online?
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