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Jack London was born on January 12, 1876. He was born near Third and Brannan Streets in San Francisco and was largely self-educated. By age 30, he was internationally famous for Call of the Wild, The Sea Wolf, and other literary and journalistic accomplishments. Though he wrote passionately about the great questions of life and death and the struggle to survive with dignity and integrity, he also sought peace and quiet inspiration. His stories of high adventure were based on his own experiences at sea, in Alaska, or in the fields and factories of California. His writings appealed to millions worldwide. Jack London was also widely known for his personal exploits. He was a colourful, controversial personality, often in the news. Generally fun-loving, he was quick to side with the underdog against injustice of any kind. Shin-Bones was first published in July 1916. A Hawaiian prince recounts how his aged mother had reverted towards the end to her traditional ways, notably to the ancient practice of collecting as many of the bones of her dead relatives as possible, and how she had sent him, with her trusted sorcerer-servant, on a mission to a secret cache in the interior of a once-inhabited atoll, where her ancestors had systematically accumulated a priceless treasure-trove of precious and incredibly ancient artefacts, including the precious bones of her ancient lineage. You can listen online to free English audiobook “Shin-Bones” by Jack London on our website.