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White Fang

First serialized in Outing magazine, White Fang was published in 1906. The story takes place in Yukon Territory and the Northwest Territories, Canada, during the 1890s Klondike Gold Rush and details White Fang's journey to domestication. It was full of big mountains, wide rivers, and the kind of stark beauty that you really want to visit until you realize the sheer number of ways you can get killed there. And yet, in the 1890s when the novel is set, it became a very popular place. Gold was discovered in 1896, prompting an influx of about 40,000 people looking to strike it rich. White Fang starts out with 2 men and a group of 6 sledge dogs travelling across the Arctic with a dead man in a coffin. This group was followed by a pack of famished wolves. Each night a female half wolf half dog would seduce a dog away and allow the pack to kill him. This killing of the dogs lasted until there were 3 dogs remaining. One man tried to save a 4th dog that was being killed by the wolves and ended up getting killed also. From then on the wolves closed in on the camp of the remaining man and 2 dogs. The story then follows the pack, which has been robbed of its last prey. When the pack finally brings down a moose, the famine is ended; they eventually split up, and the story now follows a she-wolf and her mate, One Eye. The she-wolf gives birth to a litter of five cubs by the Mackenzie River, and all but one die from hunger… Enjoy free online English audiobook “White Fang”, breathtaking story by Jack London.


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