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The Inevitable White Man


Jack London, pseudonym of John Griffith Chaney, American novelist and short-story writer whose best-known works - among them, The Call of the Wild and White Fang - depict elemental struggles for survival. During the 20th-century, he was one of the most extensively translated American authors. Though he was a proletarian by background and was his era's most class-conscious writer, London was equally a man avid for wealth and fame. During the remainder of his life, London wrote and published steadily, completing some 50 books of fiction and nonfiction in 17 years. Although he became the highest-paid writer in the United States at that time, his earnings never matched his expenditures, and he was never freed of the urgency of writing for money. His tale The Inevitable White Man was first published in 1910. This cruel sailor’s tale about ultra-violence and conflict not to say outright warfare with savage head-hunters in the South Seas starts off with the following off-putting declaration: “The black will never understand the white, nor the white black, as long as black is black and white is white.” just to set the tone, and carries on to describe the exploits of a useless sailor who could do absolutely nothing right except one thing – shoot like you wouldn’t believe. So we read on about how this crack sharpshooter succeeds in warding off masses of attacking head-hunting savages during a recruitment drive for hired labour among the Solomon Islands. You can listen online to free English audiobook “The Inevitable White Man” by Jack London on our website. Enjoy it!

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